~hOMe mADe cOOkies~

~Lihatlah sekitar alam..~
~Dunia luas terbentang..~

He he heeee....
Di sempena bulan baik ini, daku ingin lah mewawarkan kepada semua
moh la boli.... kuih ini.... tunjuk je... berapa aja.... akan segera sampai
dirumah anda.... dgn harga yang mampu milik...

Sila lah lihat di sini.... ya kenkawanzzz...

Chocolate Rocher Cornflakes
simple but nice texture of cornflakes,
baked with honey, choco and assorted nuts.
quantity: 50-55
price: RM20

Nutty Hunny Cornflakes
crunchy cornflakes,baked with honey and assorted nuts.
quantity: 50-55
price: RM18

Semprit Coklat
soft and tender semprit cookies dipped with chocolate
and sprinkled with chocolate rice
quantity: 45-50
price: RM22

Semprit Gebu
traditional semprit cookies (dahlia cookies).
quantity: 50-55
price: RM20

Sweet Heart Almond (black)
tender almond cookies with almond,
top with dark semisweet chocolate.
quantity: 45-50
price: RM25

Sweet Heart Lemony Hazel (white)
nice and rich cookies with almond,
top with white lemony semisweet chocolate.
quantity: 45-50
price: RM25

suji gajus cookies
traditional suji cookies with crunchy gajus(cashewnut) inside.
quantity: 50-55
price: RM22

homemade cookies
more details and picture will be updated soon, Okes.. =)

So.. kalo nak order ke.. sample ke..
sila la...
shout kt sini ke... reply kt sini ke..
and i will get back to you later..

macihhh... *senyum mesra*


LoveHaterZ said…
ko selalu tipu nak hapdet gambar.. menciks ;p
HaNi.Dew said…
emaku darl...


maleh nak upload gambo
udah berkurun banyak nau dalam hp ai neh.. muehehehe lagik...
tp biskut ini gerenti.. sebab my preng yg upload... kuehehehe lagik

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